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Jacob’s Warriors


Jacob was born June 27, 2019 at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and immediately moved to Boston Children’s Hospital for care. He was born with right sided congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH), and Scimitar syndrome, a rare form of CHD. He had a myriad of complications including pulmonary vein stenosis, SVT with heart rates of 350 bpm, a severe oral aversion and eventual G-tube placement, a bowel obstruction, central line infection, multiple collapsed lungs etc. He had major surgery to fix the hole in his diaphragm and try to move his liver down out of his lung space at one day old. He had G-tube surgery and scar tissue removal at 3.5 months old. He had open heart surgery at two years old. He’s had multiple cardiac catheterizations and a stent placed in his pulmonary vein at 3 1/2 years old. He was in the ICU for three and a half months at Boston Children’s due to his inability to breathe without intubation and then a full face CPAP machine. Once his lungs got stronger and we moved to the regular floor, we were there for two weeks before we got to go home after his gtube surgery at almost four months old. He’s had endless X-rays, lung scans, cat scans etc. He’s doing great and thriving now and is monitored by multiple teams at Boston children’s every few months. He does have obstructive sleep apnea, and may need surgery for that. And he does need oxygen to fly or go to any high altitudes. But he is so resilient and strong. He plays T-ball and is in rock climbing club. He’s artistic and super smart and a happy little boy. He loves preschool and is going into kindergarten in the fall.

WalkerGoalSo Far...

Amanda Richardson


Ella Richardson


Jacob Richardson


Lisa Richardson


Luke Beasley


Scott Richardson